If your business phone system doesn’t do these 5 things, with ease, in 2023, your staff and customers are missing out!
5 Things your business phone system should do, with ease in 2023
![](/img/If your business phone system doesn’t do these 5 things, with ease, in 2023, your staff and customers are missing out.avif)
These 5 things are an absolute must for your customers and staff in 2023. If you're not using these features your business phone system is costing you more money than you think.
1) VIDEO CALLING Increase connection and save travel costs - utilising one-to-one video meetings and group sessions. Make meetings more effective and connected whilst saving on the time and cost taken to travel. Can you easily utilise one-to-one video meetings and groups sessions with your existing system?
2) REMOTE WORKING Increase your business' flexibility - Make and take calls from anywhere. Enabling your team to manage their time better and from just one extension. No matter whereabouts in the building (or the world) they are physically located. Does your current phone system make it easy for your team to make and take calls from anywhere?
3) LIVE CHAT In 2023, customers expect quick and effective communication, they don't want to wait. Make it easy for customer's to reach you - Be available where they are when they're browsing your website and even on WhatsApp & Facebook. You can manage all your calls, videos, live chat and messages from one dashboard. Nothing gets missed!
4) NOTIFICATIONS Are you keeping your customers informed? Automate the sending of individual notifications and broadcast messages via SMS. Great for keeping customers informed of order status, deliveries, special offers, brand awareness, feedback and ways to improve your service offering.
5) CRM / MS TEAMS INTEGRATION Save time and make record keeping easy. How much time do you spend duplicating, transferring and passing on information to others? Feed all your conversations directly into your CRM and Teams groups. You have robust records for future reference and your team can see where work is at, at all times. Modern and efficient working, right now.
All these benefits are available with our 3CX VoIP phone system And with a cost-saving of up to 80% on traditional phone systems, plus our easy transfer/setup service, there's no reason not to upgrade today!
Updated: 24th January 2024
David Furnevall
Digital Content & Marketing Executive @ Aspire. I help you find solutions to your business tech challenges.